
Welcome CTK Families!

Welcome! Learn about the resources available to you here on our families page. Looking for help talking with your kids about tragedy? Check our resources tab. 

Family Growth Opportunities 

At CTK, we’re committed to equipping parents with simple tools, creative ideas, and thought provoking discussion topics to help your family grow spiritually. Take part in our monthly Family Challenge that will give you ideas, tools, and opportunities to have fun and open communication with your family. 

Follow CTK Families on Facebook and Instagram to have the tools delivered right to your device.

Passionate about Parenting & Family Life?

Do you have wisdom and experience to offer to families? Do you currently work in a career that supports family development? Are you passionate about the importance of parenting at each stage of development? We are interested in hearing from you! If you would like to know more about becoming a volunteer on our family ministry team, we would love to meet with you.

Stay connected for tips, tools, and encouragement! Follow us for more information on Facebook and Instagram @ctkfamilies.

The Art of Intentional Fun & Serving Together

Our CTK Families web page and social media feeds now offer exciting videos and podcasts centered around several of our CTK Bellingham families. Listen as they share the impact that serving together has had on their families. You'll find practical tips on how, what, and where you can start or continue these fun and purposeful times with your family.

Child Dedication Class

When it comes to raising our kids, the list of responsibilities is long. But nothing we do is more important than pointing them toward Jesus. Child dedication at CTK is about helping you demonstrate your desire and commitment to do just that. Join other families with young children our class that will prepare you to dedicate your child to God — and yourself to godly parenting.

After completing the class and dedicating yourself to godly parenting there will be a separate dedication ceremony. There your friends and family will celebrate with you and pledge their support in your commitment to your child.

For more information, please complete this child dedication interest form.

Baptism and Children

Is my child ready for baptism?

Baptism is a symbolic way to publicly declare our decision to trust Jesus and follow him. It's a significant marker in a believer's life that can help affirm that step of faith. If your child wants to be baptized, email Pastor Duane and plan to attend our kids' baptism class. Your child will be asked to write out their story of how they chose to follow Jesus and how they are living their live for him.

Moms in Prayer

Moms—the power of prayer over whatever your child might be going through can be even more hopeful when praying with other moms. Join us on any or every Wednesday morning to pray for your children, their teachers, and our schools, using the promises in God’s word. Replace fears with hope, and connection with other moms to find encouragement and support.

No need to sign up, just show up any Wednesday at 9:30AM in Room 214 (Prayer Room).

Emotion Coaching

Wondering how to respond to your kids' big feelings or emotional responses? Check out this step-by-step guide to Emotion Coaching, a research-based approach including 5 simple steps that help us give our kids the skills they need to regulate their emotions.

Leading Your Child to Christ

Pointing our kids towards Jesus is the most important job we have as parents. Leading our kids toward Christ is an ongoing process. But when our kids are ready to put their faith and trust in Jesus, THIS GUIDE can help us lead them towards understanding and a decision.

Talking to Your Kids about Tragedy

We grieve and pray for our broken world. Looking for help talking with your kids about tragedy? Check out this article.

Connect with Us

Like CTK Families on Facebook and follow us on Instagram where we post each month about our Monthly Growth Challenge! Also, please sign up for CTK Families text messages*. You'll receive no more than two text messages a month with information on upcoming events, links to great content, and an occasional shot of encouragement because let's face it, parenting can be hard! (*Carrier rates may apply)

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Feel free to email Pastor Duane or Claire with any questions you have.

Upcoming Events

Room To Grow

New Family Podcast!

Join your host, Sydel McKim as we dive into raw, heart-to-heart conversations about the stuff that really matters - the everyday hurdles like anxiety, peer pressure, and depression that our teens face. So, if you're ready to create a stronger, more connected family while helping your teens flourish, we’re here to remind you that you're not alone on this journey – and we all have room to grow.

Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify


Find your next step this winter at CTK

When you want to know what’s going on at Christ the King Church, CTK Life is the place to look! There’s a new edition every quarter, packed full of opportunities to connect, grow, and serve.

You’ll also find stories of what God is doing in our community and resources to help make your experience at CTK fuller.

Download a Copy