Facilitator Training
Just In Time Meetings:
Every Wednesday before class, 5:45 - 6:15 PM
Week 1: What is rooted?
Week 2: More information from Rooted
Week 2: who is god?
Week 2: More information from Rooted
Week 3: How Does god speak to us?
Week 3: More information from Rooted
Week 4: Where is god in the midst of suffering?
Week 4: More information from Rooted:
Week 5: There is an enemy
Week 6: How can I make the most of my life? Pt 1
Week 6: More information from Rooted
Week 7: How can I make the most of my life? Pt 2
Week 7: More information from Rooted
Week 8: How does god view money?
Week 8: More information from Rooted
Week 9: why and how should i tell others?
Week 9: More information from Rooted
Week 10: why is the church important?
Week 10: More information from Rooted