Our Mission

Our mission is to create authentic Christ-centered communities that love God wholeheartedly and reach out intentionally so that others experience new life in Jesus and a transforming life of discipleship.

This is our most important work:

We create sustainable growth by identifying, deploying, training and supporting healthy leaders who take personal responsibility for their spiritual, relational, emotional, and financial health.

We love people who are far from God, tell our story and God's story to others, and bring our whole selves (including our faith) into every environment.

We make disciples through worship (loving God), community (loving others), and outreach (loving others to God).

We meet practical needs in our community and beyond through individual efforts, ministry partnerships, and church-wide partnerships.

Here are a few things that mean a lot to us:
Servant Leadership

Leaders are healthy when their private, personal and public lives are surrendered and align with Jesus and His ways. We create sustainable, healthy growth by identifying, deploying, training and supporting those to serve as Jesus did.


We choose a simple approach to language, systems and processes. We work hard to make access to Jesus simple for everyone.


We choose to live lives of sacrificial generosity, by joyfully giving of our time, our abilities and our resources to love others in Jesus's name.


We value healthy, Christ-centered spiritual growth. We choose to be real with God, real with others, and real with ourselves. We will not live false, idealistic, or hidden lives.


We choose to be relational in ministry, communication, conflict, and decision making.


Because God loves every single person He's created, we are as committed to loving those outside CTK in the same genuine, tangible way that we love those within our family of faith.

Network Executive Team