Introduction to the Holy Spirit


2 Mondays, September 16 & 23
6:00–7:30 PM

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he asked the Father to send the person of the Holy Spirit—an advocate, comforter, and helper. But so often, the Holy Spirit is overlooked and misunderstood, and the gifts he brings can be misused. In this 2-part class, we'll open scripture to explore two simple questions: who is the Holy Spirit, and what does the Holy Spirit do? Through teaching and discussion, we'll gain a better understanding and foundation for the power, love, and unity we receive through the Holy Spirit. Everyone's welcome, whether you're new to faith or have been following Jesus for a long time.


Jayne Doll
Executive Administrative Assistant

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Every Monday, from 09/16/2024 to 09/23/2024, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM


6:00pm - 7:30pm


CTK Bellingham

4173 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA US 98226


The Meeting Place

Add to Calendar   09/16/2024 06:00 PM 09/16/2024 07:30 PM America/Los_Angeles Introduction to the Holy Spirit

2 Mondays, September 16 & 23
6:00–7:30 PM

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he asked the Father to send the person of the Holy Spirit—an advocate, comforter, and helper. But so often, the Holy Spirit is overlooked and misunderstood, and the gifts he brings can be misused. In this 2-part class, we'll open scripture to explore two simple questions: who is the Holy Spirit, and what does the Holy Spirit do? Through teaching and discussion, we'll gain a better understanding and foundation for the power, love, and unity we receive through the Holy Spirit. Everyone's welcome, whether you're new to faith or have been following Jesus for a long time.


4173 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA US 98226 Jayne Doll false