A New Home

for CTK Blaine

CTK Blaine is a community of Jesus-followers sent to the city of Blaine. We want to be his hands and feet in the heart of our city, bringing Jesus' hope and healing for all people. Situated in the far northwest corner of our county and our country, Blaine is a gateway city that has influence both in Whatcom County and also in the lower mainland of British Columbia. 

CTK Blaine has been meeting in several rented locations, but in June 2023 the CTK Network had the opportunity to purchase a building at 674 Peace Portal Drive, right in the heart of downtown Blaine. This space will be the future home of this strategic church! As a family of CTK campuses, we now have an amazing opportunity to make this "house" into a "home". 

One of the great parts about being a network of churches is that we can have far greater reach together than we have alone. 

Blaine Building Taking Shape

For the first time in our history, the six campuses in the CTK Network are joining together to raise the money for all the improvements needed to transform this space into a welcoming environment for an entire community. If we all sacrifice a little, we lighten the burden for CTK Blaine. And the impact will be for all of eternity. 

Would you pray and ask God what he wants you to do so that this dream can become a reality?


Our New Home:
674 Peace Portal Drive

In the spring of 2023, the CTK Network inquired about the old Goff Department store space on 674 Peace Portal Drive. The owners were very kind to us and made us a more than fair offer, one that was far below the cost of buying our current building in a less visible location. With the help of the network, we purchased the building and now look forward to being extremely present and accessible in the heart of Blaine.

That’s where you come in. We need your help to reach our community!

Our goal is to be a house of worship that is welcoming to our city.

We have amazing plans that will fit the look and direction of downtown Blaine, as well as adding the restrooms, classrooms, and kitchenette needed to operate successfully and sustainably.

Would you pray and consider giving toward this incredible opportunity?

The History


The Michel family moved to Blaine in the hopes of planting a church that would share the hope of Jesus with the growing border town. In 2018, with the help of CTK Network (specifically CTK North Bay), CTK Blaine launched out of the Blaine Senior Center on H Street. 120 people showed up to our first service, and a church community was born. We launched with a vision to see God bring his kingdom 'in Blaine as it is in heaven'—that this small city could become a beacon of the light of Christ.


Our small church family moved into our current facility at 549 Cherry Street. Four months later, Covid began, and our little church plant tried to survive with the twists and turns of the pandemic. God was faithful, and our small community banded together in a profound way, finding ways to serve our community deeply during a stressful season.


CTK Blaine continues to be a growing church with many new young families and people coming to faith. In the month of August, we baptized eight people new to the faith. We believe it’s just a taste of what God has in store as we continue to serve him and love our city well.

Early in 2023, we were approached by some downtown businessmen and the former City Manager about relocating our church downtown. In the words of the City Manager, he knew “we would help people.” While it seemed like an exciting possibility, we didn't know if it would work—but God did!