
Share your prayer request or join a prayer team

Begin the Easter Season with Prayer & Worship

Join us for a night of prayer and worship as we enter the Easter season together as a church family. We'll engage through musical worship, guided and shared prayer, a time to reflect on the incredible sacrifice of Jesus, and our response to that sacrifice. While childcare will not be provided, children are warmly welcome to attend. Learn more

Prayer is central to our relationship with God. It’s a direct connection to God that lets us communicate our hearts to him— and hear his heart for us and others. We believe God hears our prayers and responds in his wisdom and timing. There are a number of opportunities at CTK to pray and be prayed for:

Prayer Requests

If there’s a situation you’d like people to pray for, we have a team of volunteers who do that every week based on requests we receive. You can submit your request at Reception on weekends and during office hours, or online (below).

Request Prayer

We have partnered with 24-7 Prayer, a global prayer movement that provides free prayer resources and guides for the Church. If you want to learn more about 24-7 Prayer or use some of their resources, go to

Join a Prayer Team 

Weekly Prayer Letter Team

Every week, dozens of people from across our network of churches submit requests for prayer. You can sign up to receive a weekly prayer letter containing requests from CTK'ers just like you!

Pastor Grant’s Prayer Team

Pastor Grant writes a weekly prayer letter with requests that are on his heart for our church, our staff, our global mission partners, and our community. Members of this prayer team pray at any time that's convenient for them. 

Sign Up to Pray

Ministry Prayer Team

Praying for others is powerful and meaningful! As a member of the Ministry Prayer Team, you have an opportunity to go to God on behalf of others during weekend services.

Sign Up to Join


Join Day to Pray

1st Thursday of Every Month

Day to Pray is your opportunity to play a part in the bigger picture of what God is doing in Whatcom County. Churches in our community each commit to pray one day to cover every month in prayer – ours is the 1st Thursday.

Sign up for a 30-minute time slot today and join us as we spend 24 hours in prayer for our church, our community, and our world.

Sign Up to Pray


Pray for our Global Partners

Sign up to receive the Missions Prayer Letter

Would you be willing to pray for our CTK Global Partners? A solid prayer covering is essential for our partners and knowing they are being specifically prayed for is a huge blessing to them.


How to Engage with the Prayer Room

Saturday, April 5 • 9:00 AM–12:00 PM in the Prayer Room (214)

Are you excited about our new Prayer Room but not sure how to use it? Prayer can seem complicated and overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be! We’ve set up the Prayer Room so you can be guided through a prayer time or use it as you feel led.

No matter where you are in your journey with prayer, come learn how to engage with God through Worship & Thanksgiving, Confession & Repentance, Intercession & Petition, and Contemplation.

Led by our Network Prayer Pastor, Carrie Butler, this workshop includes a short teaching on each of these areas of prayer, plus helpful tools, creative expressions, and simple practices for growing in prayer. We’ll also learn how the Prayer Room is being used to further unite our church as a house of prayer. Join us!

Sign Up Today!