Set in Stone: What Do We Do with the Ten Commandments? Part 10

Set in Stone: What Do We Do with the Ten Commandments?

Grant FishbookSeptember 6, 2009Christian Living, Christian Disciplines, Obedience, Trust, Contentment

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Passage: Exodus 20:17

Set in Stone Title - Sermon Title GraphicWe’ve finally reached the end of our summer journey – or is it just the beginning? This week we conclude our series, “Set in Stone: What Do We Do with the Ten Commandments?” by hitting Commandment #10 – You shall not covet your neighbor’s possessions. Have you ever wanted someone else’s car or home? Ever dreamed what it would be like to have the success or status of another person? Ever wished you were living someone else’s life? Have you ever wondered if Jesus really is more than enough? All of these questions boil down to one slippery but lethal sin – covetousness. Listen with us as Jesus talks to a young man who thought he had the Ten Commandments nailed... until Jesus pointed out that he cared more about his stuff than he did about God.